
Sell more Beautifully

Product Videography & Photography
Pricing Breakdown


    Show your product in action with a simple clip or a smooth edit.

    Filming Production Day Rate: $1500
    Video Clip Captured: $100/clip
    + Editing Add-On*: $200
    + Crop Video: $50/clip
    + Simple Logo Animation: $150

    *(Includes Music & Static End Card)


    Capture your product in the best light stylized with a backdrop or in-use setting (ie kitchen, outdoors, etc.)

    Photo Production Day Rate: $800
    Edited Photos: $50/photo

    Includes basic photo props and basic groceries if needed.


    Capture both in one day with same setups across photo + video. Best for in studio set-ups.

    Includes basic props needed for shoot and styling.

    Photo & Video Production Day Rate: $1,800
    Photo edits: $50/photo
    Video clips: $100/clip
    Video Edit: $200

    *Includes music and end card. See add-ons from “Video” for more options

Example PRicing

C4 Energy

  • Filming Production Day Rate - $1,500
    10 clips x $100 - $1,000
    Editing - $200

    Total: $2,700

  • Production Day Rate: $800
    Edited Photo Delivered:
    $50 x 4 - $200

    Total: $1,000

  • 1 edited video, 4 photos delivered

    Production Day: $1,800
    Video clips: 10 x $100 - $1,000
    Video Edit - $200
    Photo Edits: 4 x $50 - $200

    Total: $3,200

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